The Best and Worst Halloween Candy for Your Teeth

Is sugar free really sugar free - from a dental standpoint? What is the best candy for your teeth? What is the WORST? We always hear people switching to sugar free options in an effort to promote oral health and prevent cavities. Does it really matter? Let’s talk about it...

Unfortunately, modern diets have wayyyy more sugar than they used to. Sugar wreaks havoc on your teeth, feeding the bad bacteria and promoting tooth decay. So, should you switch to sugar free candy? 

Sweet, you have switched to a sugar free option and are are in the clear…right? Well, not exactly. While sugar is no longer a factor, sugar free options have preservatives and additives that affect the acidity of your mouth. This in turn promotes cavities. Why does this matter?

Sugar or Sugar-Free: Dose It Matter?

Well, like we discussed in our last post: Halloween candy doesn't cause cavities? (read it here)...the mouth likes to maintain a certain level of acidity. When this level is challenged or changed with sugary acidic foods, the teeth are more susceptible to decay. This increase in acidity demineralizes the enamel of your teeth, removing its protective ability and thus making you more susceptible to cavities.

We want you to know that YES - sugar free IS a better option - but it still comes down to frequency. Eat your sweets, sugar free or full of sugar, in finite moments. We do not recommend snacking on candy every hour - as this does not allow your mouth to go back to its happy state and causes demineralization of your teeth to start. As you now know... this makes you more susceptible to tooth decay because your enamel cannot prevent cavities if it is constantly being demineralized.

Best And Worst Candy For Your Teeth

OKAY. So what are the “best” and “worst” candies?

The Best Halloween Candy

Coming in at the top of my list for the BEST: dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has less sugar, does not stick to your teeth, and some studies even show it may have antibacterial properties (…don’t hold me to this). A close second is candy with some sort of nut. The added nuts create friction and essentially help cleanse the teeth of the sticky candy residue.

The Worst Halloween Candy

THE WORST on my list of Halloween candy and dead last: anything sticky, sour, and/or colored. Sticky candy does exactly as it is described: it sticks to your teeth. This allows the bacteria that cause cavities to party on your teeth all day long.

If you choose to eat sticky candy, the only real way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth after you indulge. Sour candy is typically highly acidic which we all now know promotes demineralization and subsequently promotes tooth decay. Additionally, sour candy is coated in sugar - yikes! The artificial coloring in candy adds to its acidity (as we previously discussed your tooth enamel hates acid).  


So, sugar-free candy is technically better than candy with sugar from a decay standpoint, BUT it still comes down to frequency.

The best candy of choice is dark chocolate and the worst is sticky candy (unfortunately this is my favorite, where are my nerds rope folks at??).

But, like everything else in life, enjoy your candy in moderation in finite moments, not as an all day snack. Cheers! Happy Halloween!

As always please feel free to reach out to us with any of your dental related questions. We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line on our website homepage or DM us on Instagram @YourDailyDoseOfDental. Keep smiling and we look forward to hearing from you!

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