Happy Fourth of July: From Your Favorite Dentists

Happy Fourth of July!!!!! I cannot believe we are already half way through the year. Time flies when you are having fun. Anyway...

This week Portland is getting HOT...like 100 degrees hot. We live in the PNW for a reason and it is NOT for the 100 degree weather our Arizona friends are used to. lol.


Portland Oregon city with mt hood in the background


This week on our podcast we discussed root canals and some of the indications for needing a root canal. (So check that out!) And, funny enough, when people experience pain with a tooth and/or an infection with their tooth we (dentists) often call it a "hot tooth". So, just like Portland, teeth can also be hot sometimes.

How do I know if I have a hot tooth?

Well, the way to figure that out is to compare your teeth to one another and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does it feel different now when I drink cold water?
  2. Does it hurt when I drink cold water? What about hot water?
  3. Do I have a different sensation when I bite down on a certain tooth?
  4. Does it hurt to bite on a certain tooth?
  5. Does the area around my tooth feel warm or swollen?

The above questions are good to ask yourself if you feel like something is wrong with your tooth. Answering yes to these questions does not mean you need a root canal, but it does lead us to believe you MIGHT. So, it is a good idea to call your dentist and be evaluated. The longer you wait, the more potential for problems.

Because just like the fireworks that will explode and blow up tonight - so can your tooth. We use this terminology because patients will call and say "all of a sudden my tooth is hurting and feels infected". And, often there are signs weeks to months prior that are indicative of a possible infection.

So, let's learn about these so that we can avoid potential future pain.

What are some early signs of an infection?


If you suspect you have an infected tooth...here are some things to look for.

  1. You notice what looks like a pimple on your gums.
    1. This is sometimes a sign that your tooth is infected and the infection has left the tooth and has entered the surrounding bones and teeth.
  2. You notice sharp lingering pain after drinking hot and/or cold beverages.
    1. Infected teeth do not like changes in temperature. Therefore, they respond with pain to hot and cold foods and beverages
      1. a small caveat is a tooth that has been infected for a longer period of time will exit this stage of "temperature sensitivity" to a zero sensation stage. This is when we call a tooth "necrotic"... i.e. your tooth has died.
  3. You notice no sensation in your tooth.
    1. Just like we talked about above....this is sometimes a sign of a dead tooth and dead teeth are infected.
  4. It hurts on a certain tooth when you chew.
    1. The infection from your tooth can enter into the nearby bone that supports the teeth. This transfer of infection can transmit pain into the jaw.

Okay, what do I do?

Unfortunately...infected teeth do not respond to antibiotics like your body does. And, what I mean by that is you can't just take an antibiotic and you're cured. Trust me, we wish this was the case.

We, will sometimes write a script for antibiotics because the infection has left the tooth and is now in the supporting structures. But, this will not remove the bacteria from the tooth forever, because the infection is in the nerve of the tooth. So, teeth that have been diagnosed and assessed to need a root canal will not be cured by antibiotics alone. They either need: 1. antibiotics, 2. a root canal, or 3. an extraction.

and the only way to know this...SEE YOUR DENTIST.

TLDR: You notice a new sensation in your tooth or pain -> see your dentist. Problems solved early are often more predictable.


Thanks for reading and Happy Fourth of July. We love seeing your dental questions in our inbox, so please keep them coming!


-Dr. Mike



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