Happy Mother’s Day - 5 Things You Need To Know About Baby Teeth

Mothers run the world right? We wouldn’t be here without them! We at Dose of Dental wanted to write a special blog dedicated to mothers. So, let’s answer the 5 most common questions we get from mothers.

Okay, so we all know baby teeth don’t last forever and eventually your child will have their adult teeth. So…if baby teeth fall out…is it really that important to keep them cavity free?

When Can I Expect My Child To Get Their First Tooth?

Ahhhhhh you are a mother! How exciting! So, what are some milestones when is comes to teeth?

Children typically will see their first baby tooth come in around 6 months to 1 year. Typically their lower central incisors will erupt first (how cute!). You should expect your child to have a complete set of baby teeth by 3 years old. Some kids get their teeth younger and some get their teeth older - do not fret if your child varies by a couple of months.

If you are concerned - reach out to you dentist! But, it is important to remember milestones are an average and your child may deviate…and that is OKAY.

How Much Toothpaste Should I Use?

Kiddos need toothpaste contrary to popular belief. I always tell parents…yes ingredients are important but also find a flavor that gets your kiddos excited. I have seen that most kids don’t loveeeeee mint, so see if you can find a flavor they enjoy….bubble gum, strawberry, watermelon.

If your child is less than 3 use a smear (also known as a grain of rise size) amount of toothpaste. If your child is 3 to 6 years old use a pea sized amount of toothpaste.

It is important to follow these guidlines because kiddos this young aren’t the best at spitting excess toothpaste out. So be diligent on using these recommended sizes to keep your kids safe.

When Will My Kid Lose Their First Tooth?

Children start to experience loose teeth at age 6 years of age. The body starts to exfoliate baby teeth to make space for the adult teeth that have been forming below the gums.

So, between ages 6 and 7 your child will start to have their baby teeth fall out. They'll wiggle them looser and looser with their tongue; how fun!

At this time it is very important that you encourage them and engage with them. Get them excited about seeing the dentist and taking care of their teeth.

When Do Kids Get Their First Adult Tooth?

The average age for children to start getting adult teeth is right around 6 years of age. This is when their first molars come in - and think about it… they need to last them their entire life.

The hard part is…these molars are very GROOVY, and are prone to cavities due to all these nooks and crannies. So make sure you help your kiddos start their oral health journey early and start those habits young.

We often recommend sealants at this age. Kids are learning about the world and their dexterity is increasing rapidly, but…they just aren’t there yet. So, that also means their brushing is just not up to par at this age. Sealants really decrease their tooth’s susceptibility to cavities by sealing up those groves on the tops of the teeth.

Baby Teeth Fall Out…So Why Invest In Them?

Okay, I understand the premise of this questions. It just makes sense to me. Why invest in something that is temporary. I mean valid concern….I am very intentional with my money - I purchase items that I find value and LONGEVITY in.

Well, your children’s teeth are the foundation of their development. No, I am being so serious. Primary (baby) teeth create space and hold space for your child’s adult teeth. The entire purpose of baby teeth is to hold space and aid in the development of your child’s face, as well as letting them chew their food while they're kids.

If cavities develop at a young age, it can lead to needing to have a tooth extracted - that space holder ( the baby tooth), no longer does its job of maintaining space. So, the teeth move… and the space for the adult tooth (which is forming below the gums) is lost. This in turn causes a whole host of problems for your child, ranging from difficulty eating, self-confidence issues, misaligned teeth, and even underdeveloped jaws.

So, help teach your children to brush their teeth and start developing these healthy habits young, so they can enjoy their teeth for a lifetime to smile, chew, and live life with.


Being a mom is hard, so let us help... at least with a little info about teeth, so you can be more informed.

Baby teeth will start to be visible in the mouth anywhere from 6 months to a year. Children will rock these 20 teeth until they are about 6 when they start to have their adult teeth come in.

Make sure you start happy oral health early. Habits formed young often have more success.

Once your child turns 6, they will have their first molars come in. We often recommend sealing the deep grooves on those teeth to prevent sugar and bacteria from nestling deep into those grooves. These teeth will hopefully last a lifetime, and sealants can help them withstand the test of time.

Baby teeth are important because they create and hold space for the adult teeth that will come in. Losing them early can lead to developmental problems down the road.

Thanks for reading and Happy Mother’s Day. Please reach out to us with any questions and we will see you in the next post!

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